Saturday, July 25, 2009

Okay, so I know it's no longer Spring but...

I can't start a project or anything for that matter, and abandon it just because it's no longer convenient for me. So luckily for me and who ever else may read this, I kept a "jounal" where I wrote down anything and everything I did that day in Paris. Call it psychic ability or intuition, but I had a feeling that once I got back from France this blog would be low on my priority list. Considering that once I returned I would be imersed in a world with research paper deadlines, AP tests coming up, new episodes of my favorite shows, math homework, and anything else that sprang up and took my attention away from my blog.

Not to mention that around the end of the trip my camera ran out of memory space so my friend was gracious enough to let me borrow hers anytime i found myself in a Kodac moment. So I sort of had to wait until she gave me a copy of the pictures which took awhile.

Anyway, all excuses aside, and my busy summer dwinling to an end, "Paris in the Spring" (or should be titled "I Went to Paris in the Spring but didn't blog about it until Fall") is offically back on the top 5 of my priority list. I can't wait to get blogging!!